Onemilliontrees4kilifi First quarter report.
OneMilliontrees4Kilifi is an initiative directed towards #Callingbacktherains through planting 1,000,000 trees in Kilifi county. This is achievable through partnering with students and pupils in 400 plus schools in greater the County. By planting fruit and other trees in schools, children will have access to fruits to eat when they are in season and a cool, shaded environment to learn from. The enhanced tree cover will contribute to micro-climate our environment and call back the rains , which have failed over the past few years. The organisation mission is to call back the rains. The vision is to see green Kilifi with increased annual precipitation. The organisation has been able to roll out various programs like, 100 schools 100 students 1000 trees , this program focuses on the more than 400 school in Kilifi county. We have selected a few pioneer school and planted fruity trees to provide shade and food in the near future. Green City program, this initiative is aim...