School Microclimate
Kilifi is a county found in the Coastal region of Kenya. It is rated as an arid and semi-arid location where the rainfall that is received is not enough to enable farmers to plant crops and keep their livestock all year in. After spending over four years in Kilifi and visiting one hundred schools in the County I discovered that the leaders in the schools located in the deep villages in the County still suffer from Malnutrition. This is due to the fact that the community cannot be able to provide a balanced diet to school-going children. One reason is the crops planted and the ones which are affordable in the food market are mostly starch that is Maize and Cassava. The students not only suffer from malnutrition but also lack a safe space from the hot sun to rest during the hot sun in Nov to Feb. Most of the schools do not have shade and fruit trees for the students to sit under and eat. Onemilliontrees4kilifi Seeing that Kilifi County should be at per in achieving SDG ...