funding opportunitties

 So when you program and put the same and you from which and so we can say that again around the sessions sTI now still and fortunately w doesn't will not going was not able to join us tomorrow but if you've noticed that ratio to today so I'll share bits uh one of the opportunities for you in this case the next level grant facility so hoping that both the voices for just pay it action and I think about the logic when he was present. Suggest a minute as okay so we tomorrow the station it was supposed to look at some of the opportunities and for you when it comes to let me and with it that's one of the opportunities that can be able to share it's okay facility that the voices would just let me capture project is implementing so the vca program that's easy it's a mighty app program and make my day and Netherlands and in Kenya hivos so we see as my last member this evils be what the program so we sharingos and what to officials supposed to presents has different watts so people is an amazing also have a Africa okay but I'll uh we have the WWF we have in our Africa we have some ability international it was supposed to presentation. Maybe we also have south of no so BTS members these are the main uh organization with Global software 20 there now and eat they let me remember we also have. For example I mean it's also www count the other last members called of North so early so at the top and in this year we have the last members like the main organization to the global South and northwest mating that this year program but all of them work with partners International program it's supposed to to look at the represented community use women stability so one of the use now to ensure that even these people normally connected and we talked about now because to my facility this case facility so there is a little 10 facility targets women cases register ed with me it's it's many tend to support community because it's a cases register so we can apply facility since maybe looking at the financing to created within the VC program that end making priorities and defining Solutions so it may be addresses of climate imagine example flats so there is a little bit busy this main priority so if it's an issue of basically for example maybe thank you about doing doing a plan ready to move it right now has to like two parts this the main one which is mainly hopefully now if you graphic we able to submit your content with two within 3 days to address the aspect of climate it okay so that we are here I can never know but it is a little bit facilities money right this year many culture aspects around waste management awareness raising of how we see normally and supports community so right now for example if you have a climate imagine you're able to do to submit uh finding request to this year and able to get a response to literally two hours the main one they have goodbye for proposals and if they work the whole proposal proposal and I think about this yet the first one was last year they do then second call for proposal which was in Arabic this year and the painting with availability and somewhere in making January next year so I think I've already target this right now we did not the County that is a target segregatively no one in this room app like for the equity with last year in terms even the templates just the template the application processity is the application process last year thank you very much so we apply one it work with a police specifically environment they use the position that do that thank you so that's one of the things that we see it this year to each other even community we are also have the legal resources Foundation also implementing Mombasa County there's a partner VC apartment that can be able to receive 5 minutes so we have lamu women around there's also another partner equality yeah so okay facility options so one you have the number facility which anyone can available proposal the next one is now the emergency Grant you can apply then you have given a responsible around that organizations able to get so no mind for vca maximum amount that for example 4 to 6 months but nobody exceptions the painting with your climate emergency department groups cposite Loops loopies group that traditional not receive finding so they targets small organizational not established organizations yes so they didn't cover the Aspect to the counties in terms of some of the counties where we have this year present so the cost of county is Mombasa mombasa County that I have exhibit facility because we have this year those counties so I think really covered we'll talk about this and exactly the type of organization that I could go to receive and find the this year they formal organizations now it is maybe the letter 10,000 but I've never received finding in in some cases this organization that are not even registered so yet this is straight to ensure that such organization that you not do not get an opportunity able to receive finding able to to get finding implement their climate change uh interventions are the first phase for which the organization benefited so in the past space they are almost I think the bubbles 4,000 applications 16 Counties but also the applications are out of the application this is supported 47 groups we were total amount this they want to kept around 12.7 16 month from 16 counties so their own depends most of them there's you know there's some cpos that even apply for a bit $2,000 jeans specific issue there are some that even apply for 500,000 shillings there's some event last year during their cohort for hotline I totally all 47 organizations was supported and the most cases the implementation. is around once and one thing that I think he can also for the farm h the process is not complicated I received that I can see that able to do like a assessments in this case it might be ttk does it take egg or someone who sent by Ali one of the two not be sure yeah so fufly as the traditional dance for example you can be able to apply for the invitation visit organizations that have access to the next level grand facility so last year and also part of this year most of the clinic we made International groups better applied for the next level grand this thank you so I have a question so we can so to ask maybe um you put ability information and also exactly the the nature of the loops so this is the nature is Becomes of a base second groups so that's that's available but in terms of passages in terms of um disability I think this is not data around that right now but you get it might be stabilities only because ability but the terms of normally now waste management from the coastal Counties or mango Resurrection we are five around recycling uh production of ecopic brickets these are good making can keep bra keepra probably in the reusables it was keep in Nairobi one of the islams in Nairobi who who got a fun to do reasonable sanitary change for the activities even if you the emergency grants so for example identify the county level you want to do a climately and they imagine to others with three days so it possible you can do and deviation able to apply for the next level grand facility that's all for the next level and let us this will the every call this year he got to look for that have been finding out to Loopsy County that have been finding we must see the gianto if a yellow County the next level things around to groups locally out that it is about this year now our cake is you finding from the next level equation yes continue now coincidentally there was some so for the next little bit facility most cases it's 4 to 6 months you can even get the fun thing you could meant within one month instead of k so it does not really depend on the title of the timing but what happened is that organizations had the U to play against so for example the organization that applied to the next level facility the climate images probably around january so deeper cleaning for you this video which unity to see how we can apply for that because tomorrow we have as they show basically that you look at uh proposal Development so there's that after decision tomorrow proposal development at least we have the necessary skills and it's parties to do both developed uh proposal that question yes i've seen a lot of organizations doing very good project sometimes it because maybe they don't understand the impact this information thank you and for the go to your organizations and we we have to blend out that's happening that they should have shared that information media so in the social media pages so possible to reach because we needed exhausted so possible community thank you one thank you thank you so much Google um on on what time my good friend he has I think entire time we also you know information is power and I know we have so many different platforms uh basically intimacy their so many different platforms on the matters environment or climate change so some of these grants you justifying them being popped up with those but ours our Lee what is the problem we have I I I shall say I don't run of the biggest platform because 64 I think goods that are inside there but let me tell you it was something so whenever some of these things are posted some of this groups this is look into that that's platform probably with you talk to that was yet yeah you be added that platform anything for me anything that they find interesting job opportunities and both them as much as they environmental space or private so it is good also in this platform let us read and um now probably going to come uh next year or whether he is or other project within the same that's mostly you can you find um apply and get okay.


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