My Journey with Maono Space

The Seed of Inspiration

Last year, I found myself at a crossroads, deeply connected to the environment, and with a vision of planting trees. I had the idea, but I didn't know how to bring it to life. Little did I know that this simple idea would become the catalyst for a profound transformation. I reached out to an old friend from Barani School, Simon Njoroge, who happened to be a teacher. Njoroge would become the bridge that connected me with an opportunity that changed my life. He introduced me to a friend involved with the Lit Initiative, an organization that was about to host a unique event. 

Colour Splash

The Color Splash celebration at Maono Space was not just any event; it was a melting pot of creativity and community. I attended as an MC, providing insight into the vibrancy of the gathering. Here, I met people, witnessed performances, and was exposed to various activities. I also got introduced to the energetic leader of Lit Initiative, Jackie Mungai.

Jackie Mungai, a leader with a passion for teaching young people about life skills, finance, technology, and life improvement, became a significant influence on my journey. Through Jackie's work, I began to see that there was more to be done in the world, beyond tree planting. The boundaries of thematic areas became clear - education and environment were two separate but equally important domains.

Njoroge and Jackie

 A Chance Meeting with Chris Kariuki

Amidst the whirlwind of activities, I had three tree saplings and a desire to plant them at Maono Space. Chris Kariuki, the manager of Maono Space, emerged as a friendly, down-to-earth figure. He not only facilitated the tree planting but also hinted at a much bigger journey ahead.

Chris Kariuki  - Maono Space Manager

The Maono Space - A Place of Transformation

My journey led me to Maono Space, a dynamic place that empowers community-based mobilizers and organizers. It's a hub, but not the usual kind. I learned about the challenges faced by community organizers and how Maono Space addresses them. Capacity-building initiatives, training sessions, and the spirit of collaboration are at the core of what Maono Space represents. After multiple visits to Maono Space and interactions with various individuals, I began to see that there was much more to be learned. Capacity-building sessions covered leadership, management, proposal writing, storytelling, and pitching. These newfound skills opened doors to new possibilities.

Training at Maono Space

A Glimpse Beyond Local Horizons

My journey was taking an unexpected turn. I gained knowledge in thematic areas, organization registration, social media engagement, and proposal writing. This newfound knowledge fueled a desire to connect with the global community. The African Climate Summit in Nairobi became a symbol of possibility and change, but attending it seemed like an impossible dream.

The Power of Networks

I reached out to a newfound friend, Al Kags, who happened to be the founder of Open Institute. Al Kags played a pivotal role in making the dream of attending the African Climate Summit a reality. This chapter reflects on the power of mentorship, guidance, and the magic that can happen when people come together.

The final chapter of my journey follows my path to attending the African Climate Summit. It's a story of determination, hope, and how Maono Space stepped in to sponsor this remarkable opportunity. From planting three trees to representing Kilifi County, my transformation comes full circle.

Session at Maono

This is a testament to the power of community, personal connections, knowledge, and opportunity. It shows how a simple idea can lead to transformative change when nurtured in the right environment. My journey, from confusion to clarity, exemplifies the potential within each of us to make a positive impact on the world.


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